Vasectomy Venue

Vasectomy Clinic Southport Gold Coast QLD

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Vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure performed to prevent the passage of sperm from the testes to the prostate area where it is normally added to the prostate secretions at the time of ejaculation. It is a very safe and effective form of permanent birth control.

At the Vasectomy Venue Southport Dr Matthew Valentine prefers the latest vasectomy technique called the No Scalpel Open Ended Vasectomy.

This technique has been shown to have fewer complications compared to the traditional Vasectomy technique.

Read more about the

no scalpel vasectomy.

Dr Matthew Valentine

Dr Matthew Valentine

Dr Matthew Valentine

Make an online booking with Dr Valentine now

Dr Matthew Valentine joined Vasectomy Venue in 2021.

Dr Valentine is a general Practitioner (GP) and fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners. He graduated from the University of Adelaide (AU) in 2000 and joined the Royal Australian Air Force as a medical officer until 2007 when he entered civilian General Practice.

To date Dr Valentine has completed over 10,000 vasectomy procedures and has been performing vasectomies in Brisbane, on the Gold Coast and in regional QLD since 2008.

Dr Valentine was initially trained in the traditional vasectomy technique, but after completing further training in the USA he now uses the No Scalpel Open Ended Vasectomy technique which research has shown has better outcomes.*[1][2][3]
* The no‐scalpel approach to the vas resulted in less bleeding, hematoma, infection, and pain as well as a shorter operation time than the traditional incision technique. No difference in effectiveness was found between the two approaches.

The procedure takes about 20 minutes. It involves a midline opening at the front of the scrotum. The Vasectomy deferens are divided and sealed at one end. No stitches are required.

Vasectomy should be considered permanent contraception. Vasectomy can be successfully reversed and pregnancy achieved in approximately 60% of cases, but there are no guarantees.

Some men also consider the option of sperm storage prior to undergoing vasectomy. These options are expensive and vasectomy should only be considered by those couples whose family is complete.

Please remember vasectomy is not immediately effective.
A semen analysis is required at 3-4 months post vasectomy to ensure the absence of sperm. Contraception must continue until you are advised the semen is clear.

Vasectomy is contraception only. You should expect to have normal testes, hormones, erections, ejaculation and libido after the procedure. Many men claim their sex life is better once the worry of pregnancy risk is removed.

Vasectomy is effective contraception. It is generally accepted that vasectomy failure rates are around one in one thousand because of spontaneous rejoining and opening of the vas deferens. This is many times safer than hormonal or barrier contraception methods.

You should expect the procedure to go smoothly. Complications are few and unlikely.

Some of these include bleeding, infection, sperm granuloma (small tender nodules that can develop at the cut end of a Vasectomy deferens), and post vasectomy pain syndrome. Most of these complications will resolve spontaneously or with a short course of anti-inflammatories or antibiotics. Long term problems like heart disease or cancers of the prostate and testes have not been shown to be related to vasectomy.

What about pain during vasectomy.  Patients have the option of light intravenous sedation which has the advantage of relieving anxiety during the procedure. The use of local anaesthetic ensures you are relaxed and comfortable throughout the 20 minute procedure. Some men prefer to avoid the sedation so they can drive themselves home after their procedure.

Before your vasectomy you will have a short consultation and assessment to ensure you are a suitable candidate for a vasectomy. This is normally conducted on the same day, just prior to your procedure, although men may elect to have a separate pre vasectomy consultation if they wish.
You should shave your scrotum and pubic area and thoroughly clean  your groin and scrotum before your appointment.
Food and fluid should be avoided 4 hours before the procedure.

After your vasectomy you should spend the day relaxing/reclining. You should apply ice packs at intervals and plan an easy day the next day. If sedation has been given you must ensure you have someone drive you home. Most men find the procedure far less challenging then they may have expected, and this is aided by good preparation, and good self care follow-up.


  1. Open-ended vasectomy: approaching the ideal technique George C. Denniston and Laurel Kuehl - The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, Vol 7 Issue 4, July 1994, pps 285-287
  2. The no-scalpel vasectomy S Li, M Goldstein, J Zhu, D Huber - The Journal of Urology, Vol 145, Issue 2, February 1991, pps 341-344
  3. Scalpel versus no‐scalpel incision for vasectomy Cook LA, Pun A, Gallo MF, Lopez LM, Van Vliet H. Vasectomy occlusion techniques for male sterilization. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 30 March 2014, Issue 3, ID: CD004112

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